School is second only to family in its important impact on children & on their personality developments, as children spend most of their active time in school. Parents often approach teachers for help for problems related to school performance and behaviour of their children. Sadly, not all teachers are qualified psychologists who can understand the root-reasons responsible for a childs output, and this becomes the major road-block in helping the child.
It is seen that a child’s performance in studies is not an isolated phenomenon; it is associated with totality of child’s personality. Self-confidence, positive self-image happiness and emotional stability, go with good performance in studies. Children with learning difficulties and poor performance have feelings of frustration, anxiety, anger and inadequacy. Progressive educational techniques take a broader view of education. Apart from basic educational skills, they emphasize how to get along with others, human values, needs and competencies of every child. Educational methods should be such that stimulates students and allows for optimum growth.
We review the case history and understand the stages of a child's development and factors affecting it in its entirety. Although every case is unique, some of the common aspects during the therapy include -
- Understanding causes of behaviour problems in children.
- Understanding Scholastic Underachievement : Factors affecting child’s performance, and those responsible for poor performance.
- Factors in the child and in the environment causing difficulties.
- Crafting custom processes of learning for the child to enable them learn gradually and concretely.
- Exposing the child to a variety of Teaching methods / Learning styles, allowing them to experience what works best for them.
- Positive strokes - encouraging child’s self-esteem.
- Child centric approach, and special educational methods.
- Development of skills for identification of problems, to prevent long term psychological complications
- Handling difficult children with behavioural managment strategies.
- Counselling - Communication with Parents and children.
- Special training for Dyslexic children.