Better Health Without Medicines


These articles will help you get a better understanding about the what’s, how’s and why’s of your concerns and your choices.

Common Problems with kids

Here's a list of commonest problems parents face with children and adolescents, for your reference.

Dealing with Intelligent People

Expectations from Therapy

Before you opt for it, it's important to understand, what a psychological therapy is not and the kind of outcomes to expect.

First Time?

It's always good to be informed about our choices. Here are some pointers you should to know before visiting the Vatsalya Psychology Centre.


Helpless, an emotion caused due to fear and anxiety.

Identify if your child needs attention
Identify if your child needs attention

It’s better to build a child than to repair a man - Dr. Ratna Bilwani

Our Approach

Every history is different; Every individual, unique; And not everybody needs medicine.

Psychologist or Psychiatrist?

Medicine or not - That’s the question really.

Understanding Remedial Education

Learning problems and emotional and behavioural disorders can make it difficult to handle children in a regular class. These children need active intervention for behaviour and emotional issues along with remedial education.

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